By Joe Callison
29 August 2020

Solving Video Conferencing Camera and Microphone Problems

Because of privacy concerns, the use of cameras and microphones on electronic devices has become complicated. The operating systems (Windows, macOS, Android, iOS) have settings to either allow or block apps from using the camera and microphone. By default, they are initially blocked until you change the settings. If you access video conferencing through an internet browser (Edge, Chrome, Firefox, or Safari for example), the privacy settings of the browser will also initially block access until you change the settings in the browser. This is often done when first accessing video conferencing through a browser when a message appears for you to either allow or block access to the camera or microphone (two separate messages). Doing so will change the browser settings for you, but sometimes you just get a message that says you need to change your browser settings to allow access. 

To assist in figuring out how to make these permission changes, I have compiled links to many of the help and support articles that should cover most needs. Several of our SenCom members are also able and willing to assist you with any technical problems you are having with video conferencing. Feel free to call the SenCom telephone number shown on the home page, or you can call or email any of the Board members listed and they will help get you in touch with one of our technical persons. We want you to be able to stay in touch with us and enjoy the benefits we can only offer through video conferencing at this time. Don’t give up!

Windows 10:

Chrome Browser:

Firefox Browser:

Safari Browser:

Zoom Help:

Free Conference Call Help:

Facetime Help:

Messenger Help:

WhatsApp Help:

Skype Help:

Google Meet Help:

Microsoft Teams Help:

Posted by Joe Callison

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