Federal Government Consumer Protection Services

4 July, 2015
By Joe Callison

Taxpayer dollars go to so many government agencies and fund so many programs that sometimes we are not even aware of the services they are providing. I did some quick research on federal government resources for consumer protection services and found some web sites that might be useful.

www.recalls.gov/cpsc.html   Your Online Resource for Recalls

This site covers recalls on just about every product consumers might be concerned about, and provides a link to report an unsafe product.

www.usa.gov/consumer-complaints   Filing a Consumer Complaint

This site guides you through the process of filing a complaint against a company and the dispute resolution.

www.ftccomplaintassistant.gov/#crnt&panel1-1   Federal Trade Commission Complaint Assistant

This site guides you through the complaint process for several areas under the protection of the FTC.

www.consumerfinance.gov/complaint/   Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

This site guides you through the process of submitting a complaint about most kinds of financial products or services for consumers.

These are just a few of the many federal government resources available on the internet that our federal taxes support. Since we are paying for them, we might as well get some use out of them!

Posted by Joe Callison

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